Replacing the anode rod in your water heater plays a crucial role in providing hot water for various household activities. However, over time, the water heater’s internal components can deteriorate, leading to a decrease in efficiency and potential damage to the tank. One essential component that contributes to the longevity of your water heater is the anode rod. In this guide, we’ll explore the importance of the anode rod and provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to replace anode rod, ensuring your water heater operates at its best for years to come.

How to Replace the Anode Rod in Your Water Heater

Choosing the Right Anode Rod

Before diving into the replacement process, selecting the correct type of anode rod for your water heater is crucial. Generally, magnesium anode rods are recommended as they form a more effective bond with the metals and minerals in water, offering better protection to the tank. However, consider an aluminum anode rod if your water is exceptionally soft or has low pH levels. Note that some aluminum rods may contain zinc, which can help reduce sulfur smells in the water. Consider the water hardness and weigh the pros and cons when choosing the appropriate anode rod for your water heater.

Shut Off the Water and Fuel Supply

Safety is paramount when working on your water heater. Begin by turning off the water supply to the tank; the valve is typically located at the top. For electric water heaters, switch off the circuit breaker, and for gas water heaters, turn off the gas. Ensuring no water or gas flows while you work is essential to a safe and successful anode rod replacement.

Drain the Tank

With the water and gas supply turned off, connect a garden hose to the drain valve at the tank’s bottom. Run the hose outside or to a nearby drain, considering the water will be hot. Open the hot water valve of the nearest faucet to relieve pressure inside the tank, making it easier to drain. Though you only need to drain about a gallon of water to replace the anode rod, take this opportunity to flush the tank if you want to remove sediment. Once the water runs clear, close the drain valve, turn off the cold water, and remove the hose.

Find Where the Anode Rod Is Located

Locate the anode rod, typically on the top of the water heater. Some models may have it on the side. Look for a hexagonal plug screwed into the water heater and refer to your model’s manual to confirm the anode rod’s location.

Remove the Old Rod

Using a pipe wrench or socket wrench, loosen the anode rod. This may be challenging due to years of being in place. Avoid heavy impacts, as water heaters have a glass lining that can be damaged. Try a breaker bar for better leverage if the rod is difficult to remove. Once loose, lift out the old anode rod.

Replace the Anode Rod

Install the new anode rod using the plumber’s or Teflon tape on the threads. Opt for a flexible anode rod if space above the tank is limited. Secure the new rod in place using a socket or pipe wrench.

Turn On the Water and Fuel Supply

Open the cold water supply to refill the tank. Keep the hot water faucet open until water flows, indicating the tank is full. Check for leaks, then turn on the power for electric heaters or set the gas control back to the original temperature for gas heaters. If you turn off the gas entirely, relight the pilot light following the manufacturer’s instructions in the manual.

Get the Professionals to Take Care of It For You!

While replacing an anode rod is a manageable task, seeking professional assistance for any plumbing needs is always a good idea. At Custom Plumbing, we serve various locations, including Scottsdale, Phoenix, Glendale, Buckeye, Cave Creek, Chandler, Avondale, Gilbert, Peoria, Surprise, El Mirage, Apache Junction, Mesa, Tempe, and Goodyear, providing expert services tailored to your requirements. Contact us at 602-866-2665 for assistance with your water heater or any emergency plumbing issues. Our experienced plumbers are committed to delivering top-notch services to ensure the optimal performance of your water heater.

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Washing machines are indispensable appliances in our daily lives, but sometimes they require a bit of maintenance. Whether you’re moving, performing regular upkeep, or troubleshooting a problem, knowing how to drain a washing machine is a valuable skill. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process for both top-loading and front-loading machines, ensuring a smooth and safe operation.

How to Drain a Top-Loading Washing Machine

Disconnect the Power and Prepare the Space

Safety should always come first. Begin by unplugging the washing machine. Switch off the appropriate circuit breaker if it’s hard-wired into your electrical system. This precautionary measure eliminates the risk of electric shock. To prevent spills, place towels around the machine, providing a protective barrier against any water that may escape during draining.

Locate the Drain Hose

Create ample working space by pulling the washer away from the wall. Examine the back of the machine, where you’ll find three hoses, typically color-coded for hot (red), cold (blue), and the drain (usually gray). As an extra precaution, turn off the water supply to the hot and cold hoses. Now, disconnect the drain hose from the pipe and hold it above the washing machine to prevent water spillage.

Drain the Washing Machine

With a bucket in hand, carefully lower the drain hose, allowing gravity to assist in draining. Once the bucket is full, reconnect the drain hose to the pipe and empty the accumulated water into a sink or basin. Repeat this process until the washing machine drum is completely emptied.

How to Drain a Front-Loading Washing Machine

Disconnect the Power and Prepare the Space

Like top-loading machines, start by unplugging the front-loading washer and switching off the appropriate circuit breaker if needed. Lay towels around the machine to absorb potential spills, ensuring a clean and safe work environment.

Locate the Drain Hose

Front-loading washers may have a single drainpipe filter or both a drainpipe filter and a separate drain hose. You can usually access these components behind the front panel at the bottom of the machine. Refer to your owner’s manual for specific instructions, as some machines might require a screwdriver to open the panel.

Drain the Washing Machine

If your front-loading machine only has a drain pump filter, position a shallow container under the filter to catch the water. Slowly turn the knob until the water starts flowing. Fill the container, turn the knob off, dispose of the water into a sink or basin, and repeat until the washing machine is fully drained.

For machines equipped with both a drain pump filter and tube, unclip the drain tube and unscrew the end cap when ready to release the water. Replace the cap after draining all the water and securely clip the hose back in place.

Need Help? Call the Experts at Custom Plumbing

At Custom Plumbing, we recognize that plumbing issues, including the occasional mystery of how to drain a washing machine, can be daunting. We serve various locations, including Scottsdale, Phoenix, Glendale, Buckeye, Cave Creek, Chandler, Avondale, Gilbert, Peoria, Surprise, El Mirage, Apache Junction, Mesa, Tempe, and Goodyear. Our experienced plumbers are committed to delivering top-notch services tailored to your specific requirements. When faced with emergency plumbing troubles, don’t hesitate to contact us at 602-866-2665 for expert assistance.

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The modern dishwasher is a true marvel of convenience, saving us countless hours of scrubbing and soaking dishes by hand. However, when your dishwasher decides not to cooperate and leaves a pool of murky water at the bottom of your machine, it can be both frustrating and baffling. What could be causing this issue? 

In this blog, we will explore four common causes of a dishwasher not draining and provide solutions for each. 

Dishwasher Not Draining? 4 Common Causes

  • The Drain Hose Is Kinked

One of the most common culprits behind a dishwasher not draining is a kinked or crimped drain hose. This scenario can occur when a hefty object is inadvertently shoved under the sink, unknowingly putting pressure on the drain hose. The kink in the hose can wholly or partially obstruct the flow of water, leading to poor drainage. The good news is that this issue is relatively easy to fix.

To address this problem, you’ll need to straighten the kinked hose manually. It’s essential to note that once a drain hose has kinked, it is more likely to kink again in the same spot. If you find yourself repeatedly dealing with kinks, it might be wise to consider replacing the drain hose.

  • The Drain Hose Is Blocked

Similar to a kinked drain hose, a blocked or clogged drain hose can wreak havoc on your dishwasher’s draining capability. Start by disconnecting the hose inside the cabinet where it attaches to the garbage disposal or drain line. Examine the hose for any accumulation of food particles, grease, or debris. If you cannot spot a clog at this end, don’t fret; more detective work must be done.

Place an old towel under your dishwasher, then remove the lower front panel of the machine to access the other end of the hose, where it connects to the dishwasher. Consult your appliance manual for guidance on hose connections if needed. Once you’ve disconnected the hose, use a flashlight to peer inside and identify any obstructions. If the blockage is near one end, gently remove it with a thin screwdriver or a piece of metal wire.

  • Food and Debris Buildup

If the drain hose, air gap, and disposal seem free from obstructions, the problem might be attributed to a buildup of food remnants, fat, and other debris in the drain basket at your dishwasher’s base. This component typically resembles an inverted basket attached with one or two screws or held in place with snap fasteners.

To rectify this issue, remove the cover on the drain basket and release any fasteners holding it in place. Once you’ve done this, take out the drain basket and empty its contents into the garbage. Rinse out any remaining debris and lightly clean the basket before reinstalling it at the base of the dishwasher. Add the appropriate detergent and start a regular wash cycle to determine if the problem has been resolved.

  • Clogged Garbage Disposal

Not all kitchens have a garbage disposal, but if yours does, it could be the root cause of your dishwasher’s drainage woes. When food and debris block garbage disposal, there’s less space for the wastewater from your dishwasher to escape. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to alleviate this issue.

Start by turning on the disposal and running cold water to help clear the blockage. If the disposal remains clogged, you may need to dislodge the obstruction physically. Turn off the disposal, unplug it, or turn off the breaker to the appliance. Use a flashlight and a pair of long-handled tongs or pliers to identify and remove the clog. Alternatively, you can try clearing the clog by pouring 1/4 cup of baking soda into the disposal, followed by about 1/2 cup of white vinegar. Let the mixture sit for five to ten minutes, then rinse the disposal with cold water.

Dishwasher Not Draining? Call the Plumbing Experts

If you’ve explored these common causes of a dishwasher not draining and your problem persists, it may be time to call in the experts. At Custom Plumbing, we understand the urgency of plumbing emergencies, including dishwasher drainage issues, and our dedicated team is available 24/7 to assist you with your plumbing needs.

No matter if you reside in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Glendale, Buckeye, Cave Creek, Chandler, Avondale, Gilbert, Peoria, Surprise, El Mirage, Apache Junction, Mesa, Tempe, or Goodyear, our experienced plumbers are committed to delivering top-notch services tailored to your specific requirements. When it comes to emergency plumbing troubles, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 602-866-2665 for expert assistance.

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When facing the dilemma of water heater repair, it’s crucial to consider various factors that can impact your decision. Your water heater plays a vital role in your daily life, providing you with the comfort of warm showers and essential hot water for household tasks. However, like any appliance, water heaters have a limited lifespan and can encounter issues over time.

In this blog post, we will delve into three key factors to help you determine whether water heater repair is worth the investment.

3 Factors That Determine Whether Water Heater Repair Is Worth It

  • Your Water Heater’s Age

The age of your water heater is a fundamental factor to consider when deciding between paying for repairs or replacing the unit entirely. On average, tank water heaters have a lifespan of approximately 10 to 15 years. If your system is only a few years old, it may be worth investing a few hundred dollars in repairs to extend its operational life for another 5+ years.

However, if your water heater is approaching the 10-year mark or is even older, repairing it may provide only a short-term solution. In such cases, the cost-effectiveness of repairing it becomes questionable, as you might need a replacement soon after. Therefore, replacing the unit is often the more prudent choice for older water heaters.

  • What Needs to Be Repaired

The nature of the repair required is another crucial determinant in the repair-or-replace decision. Some water heater issues can be resolved with relatively inexpensive fixes, such as replacing a faulty thermostat or pressure relief valve. These repairs are generally cost-effective and can prolong the life of your water heater.

However, certain repairs, especially those involving expensive replacement parts or complex issues like a corroded tank, may tip the scales toward replacement. As a general rule of thumb, experts recommend considering a water heater replacement if the cost of repairs exceeds $500 and your unit is over 8 years old.

Imagine your water heater as a puzzle, with each component contributing to the overall functionality picture. If only a single piece is damaged or missing, such as a faulty valve or heating element, it’s like solving a jigsaw puzzle with a few missing pieces – it’s still solvable. But if the puzzle is missing a significant portion or key pieces, like a corroded tank or a damaged heating core, the solution becomes impractical, and replacing the entire puzzle with a new one is the more logical choice.

  • Your Water Heater’s Warranty

Water heaters typically come with limited parts warranties from the manufacturer, covering the cost of replacing faulty components for a specified period, normally ranging from 5 to 10 years, depending on the manufacturer. If your water heater is still within the warranty period, repairing it can be a cost-effective option. The manufacturer will cover some or all of the repair expenses, saving you money.

However, if your water heater’s parts warranty has expired or you never had one to begin with, you’ll be responsible for all repair costs. In this scenario, the decision to repair or replace becomes more financially significant. The cost of repairs, when entirely your responsibility, can quickly add up, making replacement a more attractive option.

To determine if a limited parts warranty covers your water heater, search for your water heater model number on the manufacturer’s website or contact the manufacturer directly. It’s important to note that most manufacturers have specific guidelines to maintain the validity of the parts warranty. These guidelines often include:

  • Registering your water heater with the manufacturer within 90 days of installation.
  • Providing proof of regular professional maintenance for your water heater.
  • Using manufacturer-authorized replacement parts when necessary.
  • Complying with these guidelines is essential to ensure that your warranty remains valid and can help offset the costs of potential repairs.

Find Water Heater Repair Near Me

If you find yourself facing a water heater repair dilemma, whether it’s repair or replacement, you don’t have to navigate it alone. Our team of skilled plumbers at Custom Plumbing of Arizona is prepared to assist you, no matter where you are in the Greater Phoenix area, from Scottsdale, Phoenix, Glendale, Buckeye, Cave Creek, Chandler, Avondale, Gilbert, Peoria, Surprise, El Mirage, Apache Junction, Mesa, and Tempe, to Goodyear and beyond. We’re dedicated to providing top-notch services tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today at 602-866-2665, and let us help you make the right decision for your water heater dilemma.

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Water hardness is a sneaky culprit that often goes unnoticed, silently affecting the efficiency and longevity of your appliances and plumbing. 

Have you ever found yourself questioning why your water heater doesn’t have the longevity it should, or why your appliances seem to wear out faster than anticipated? Have you had trouble with poor water pressure in your plumbing system? Hard water might be the culprit.

This invisible problem can have significant consequences on your home, causing damage to your plumbing system. In this blog, we’ll uncover the hard truth about hard water, the problems it can cause, and the solution you need to protect your home.

Is Your Water Hard Enough to Cause These Problems?

Water Heater Damage

One of the most common issues from hard water is its damage to your water heater. The minerals in hard water, like calcium and magnesium, gradually accumulate inside the water heater tank, forming a stubborn layer known as limescale. This buildup occurs more rapidly due to the elevated temperature within the tank, creating a perfect environment for mineral dissolution.

As this limescale thickens, it acts as an insulating barrier that prevents heat from escaping the tank. The result? An overheated tank, increased pressure, leaks, and potential damage to the pressure expansion tank. The life of your water heater can be significantly shortened by this process, leading to untimely replacements and avoidable expenses.

Furthermore, hard water leaves behind a sediment layer at the bottom of the tank, lowering the efficiency of your water heater. The more sediment accumulates, the harder your water heater has to work to provide hot water, leading to higher energy bills. While periodic tank flushing helps, it’s not a long-term solution. You deserve a water heater that performs efficiently and doesn’t strain your finances.

Appliance Damage and Failure

Hard water isn’t just hard on your water heater—it also wreaks havoc on other appliances. For instance, ever wondered why your washing machine sometimes fails to deliver clean, soft laundry? It’s the minerals in hard water interfering with the cleaning action of soaps and detergents. You might find yourself using excessive detergent to combat this issue, only to be disappointed with the results.

The hard minerals also react with detergents, leaving clothes stiff, rough, and prone to fading colors. If that wasn’t enough, scale buildup in washing machines reduces performance and efficiency over time. Critical components, such as the pump and other moving parts, are not immune to the damage caused by mineral buildup, leading to early appliance failure.

Dishwashers don’t escape this issue either. The presence of hard water is a primary culprit behind the lack of cleanliness in your tableware. The effectiveness of dishwasher detergents takes a hit when faced with the minerals in hard water, leading to unsightly spots, persistent stains, and an overall subpar cleaning outcome. This chemical interaction, coupled with the drying water droplets, has the potential to etch lasting hard water marks onto glassware, leaving behind a lackluster, cloudy look that defies correction. And the long-term consequences? You might have to replace your expensive dishwasher much sooner than expected.

Plumbing Issues

Hard water might not make you sick, but it can certainly make your plumbing system feel unwell. If you’ve noticed white or yellow flaky buildup on your faucets, sinks, and showerheads, you’ve seen the visible consequences of calcium deposits left behind by hard water. It’s unsightly and a constant hassle to clean as the buildup returns rapidly.

Now, consider what’s happening inside your plumbing system, where you can’t see or easily clean. Those calcium deposits accumulate within the pipes, slowly narrowing the openings and reducing water flow. While it may not fully block a pipe, it decreases water pressure and increases the likelihood of developing clogs over time.

Hard water can even cause corrosion in your water heater tank, leading to the ultimate failure of this essential appliance. The minerals present in hard water contribute to this corrosion, effectively shortening the lifespan of your water heater. 

Call Custom Plumbing to Find a Solution

When it comes to dealing with the troublesome effects of hard water, trust the experts at Custom Plumbing of Arizona. Our skilled emergency plumbers are ready to help you, no matter where you are—whether it’s Scottsdale, Phoenix, Glendale, Mesa, or any nearby area. Our top-notch services are designed to fit your unique needs. Reach out to us today at 602-866-2665, and let us restore your plumbing system’s full functionality.

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