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Can You Pour Olive Oil Down the Drain?

can you pour olive oil down the drain

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If you’re someone who loves to cook with olive oil, you may be wondering what to do with the oil once you’re finished using it. You may have one question: “Can you pour olive oil down the drain?” While it may seem like a convenient way to dispose of the oil, the truth is that pouring olive oil down the drain can cause a number of problems. 


In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you shouldn’t pour olive oil down the drain, as well as provide alternative options for disposing of your used cooking oil. Whether you’re looking to reuse, recycle, compost, or throw the oil in the trash, we’ve got you covered with safe and responsible disposal methods.

Can You Pour Olive Oil Down The Drain?

The short answer is no; you should not pour olive oil down the drain. While it may seem like a convenient way to get rid of cooking oil, it can actually cause a number of problems in your plumbing.


When olive oil is poured down the drain, it can solidify and clog pipes. This can lead to costly plumbing repairs and can even cause sewage backups. In addition to causing problems in your own home, pouring oil down the drain can also contribute to larger environmental issues. Oil that makes its way into sewage treatment plants or bodies of water can harm wildlife and ecosystems.

How to Dispose of Olive Oil

So, if you can’t pour olive oil down the drain, what should you do with it? Here are a few options for safely disposing of your used cooking oil:

Reuse Olive Oil

Reusing olive oil is a great way to reduce waste and save money on cooking ingredients. If you only used a small amount of oil for cooking, it may still be good for future use. Just be sure to strain out any food particles and store the oil in a clean, airtight container. It’s generally best to use the oil within a month or so, as it can start to rancid over time.


When reusing olive oil, it’s important to pay attention to the quality of the oil. If it has a strange smell or taste, or if it looks cloudy or has sediment, it’s best to dispose of it and start with a fresh bottle. Using old, rancid oil can affect the flavor and quality of your dishes.

Recycle Olive Oil

Many cities and towns now offer programs for recycling cooking oil, including olive oil. You can often bring your used cooking oil to a designated drop-off location, where it will be collected and properly disposed of. This is a great option if you have a large amount of oil to dispose of, as it ensures that it is properly handled.


Recycling cooking oil is not only good for the environment, it can also have practical benefits. Used cooking oil can be processed and turned into biofuels, which can be used as a renewable energy source.

Compost Olive Oil

If you have a compost bin, you can also add small amounts of used cooking oil to your compost pile. Just be sure to mix it in well and keep the amount small, as excess oil can attract pests and cause odors. It’s also a good idea to avoid composting heavily-flavored oils, such as garlic or chili oil, as they can affect the smell of your compost.


Adding small amounts of used cooking oil to your compost can provide valuable nutrients for your plants. The oil can help to attract worms and other beneficial microorganisms to your compost pile, which can help to break down organic matter and improve soil quality.

Throw Olive Oil in the Trash

While it may not be the most environmentally-friendly option, sometimes throwing olive oil in the trash is the best or only option. If you only have a small amount of oil to dispose of and don’t have access to a recycling program or compost bin, it’s generally safe to throw the oil in the trash. Just be sure to let the oil cool first, so it doesn’t leak out of the garbage bag. It’s also a good idea to wrap the oil in a few layers of newspaper or a paper towel to contain any spills.

Don’t Let a Clogged Drain Ruin Your Day – Contact Custom Plumbing of Arizona for Expert Help!

As we’ve discussed, the answer to the question “Can you pour olive oil down the drain?” is a resounding no. However, if you’ve accidentally poured olive oil down the drain and are experiencing plumbing issues, contact the professionals at Custom Plumbing of Arizona at 602-866-2665. Our team of experienced plumbers is available 24/7 to help you get your pipes back in working order.