As the old saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind.” But what happens when something that’s been out of sight for a while suddenly becomes all too visible? Unfortunately, that’s the unfortunate reality for many homeowners when they discover a broken sewer line. Suddenly, what was once buried beneath their yards and streets is exposed and in dire need of repair. It’s a messy, smelly, and inconvenient problem that requires immediate attention. But with the right expertise and equipment, a broken sewer line can be fixed, and your home can be restored to its former glory. So let’s roll up our sleeves and take a closer look at what it takes to fix a broken sewer line. Can a Broken Sewer Line Cause a Sinkhole? Sinkholes can develop naturally when the rock beneath the earth’s surface erodes due to water, causing the earth above to collapse into the void below. But did you know those man-made plumbing problems can also cause sinkholes? For example, if you see a depression or trench in your front lawn, there’s a chance that your sewer line is running directly below it. This is because a poorly sealed sewer line can cause erosion over … Continue reading Can a Broken Sewer Line Cause a Sinkhole on My Property?
3 Things You Should Know about Your Residential Boiler
Your home’s boiler may not be the talk of the town, but it’s undoubtedly one of the unsung heroes that keep you cozy and comfortable. It’s responsible for providing warmth and hot water, which makes it an essential part of your daily routine. Therefore, if you’re a homeowner with a residential boiler, it’s crucial to understand how it works and how to maintain it properly. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into three things that every homeowner should know about their residential boiler. 3 Things to Know about Your Residential Boiler 1. Boilers Have Many Benefits Heat Your Home More Evenly Boilers distribute heat more evenly than forced-air systems. The heat is delivered through radiators or baseboard heaters, which allows for a more consistent temperature throughout your home. In contrast, forced-air systems rely on ductwork, which can lead to uneven heating, especially in larger homes. Enjoy Some Peace and Quiet Boilers are much quieter than forced-air systems. With a forced-air system, you’ll hear the noise of the blower motor and air rushing through the ducts. With a boiler, you’ll only hear the gentle hum of the circulating pump. Improve Your Indoor Air Quality Forced-air systems can circulate … Continue reading 3 Things You Should Know about Your Residential Boiler
Plumbing Inspection Near Me: What Is It and Why Should I Get One?
Searching for a “plumbing inspection near me”? Here’s the answer to “what is a plumbing inspection” and why you might want to schedule one. When it comes to your home’s plumbing system, it’s important to keep it in good working order. One way to do this is by scheduling a plumbing inspection. But what is a plumbing inspection, and why should you get one? In this article, we’ll answer those questions and provide some critical reasons why you should consider scheduling a pipe inspection. What is a Plumbing Inspection? A plumbing inspection is a thorough examination of your home’s plumbing system. This includes checking the pipes, fixtures, and appliances that make up your system to ensure they are in good working order. A plumbing inspection can be performed by a professional plumber or a home inspector. During a plumbing inspection, the inspector will check for issues such as leaks, blockages, and faulty pipes or fixtures. They may also test the water pressure and check for potential hazards, such as gas leaks. Why Should I Schedule a Pipe Inspection? 3 Critical Reasons There are several reasons why you should consider scheduling a plumbing inspection. Here are three critical reasons: Buying or … Continue reading Plumbing Inspection Near Me: What Is It and Why Should I Get One?
How Common Are Slab Leaks? For Arizonans, It Doesn’t Look Good
If you’re a homeowner in Arizona, it’s important to be aware of the potential for slab leaks. These leaks can cause significant damage to your home’s foundation, increase your water bill, and disrupt your daily life. In this blog, we’ll explore just how common slab leaks are in Arizona, what causes them, and how to recognize the warning signs. We’ll also discuss the importance of getting professional help when it comes to leak detection and repair, and why Custom Plumbing of Arizona is the right choice for all your plumbing needs. How Common Are Slab Leaks? Slab leaks are more common in certain regions of the country, and Arizona is one of them. The hot, dry climate in Arizona can cause the soil beneath the foundation of a house to shift and move, leading to cracks in the slab. These cracks can allow water to seep through and cause a leak. The state’s soil, which has a high clay content, is a major challenge for houses. This causes the ground to expand when it becomes wet and then shrink when the moisture evaporates. As a result, houses suffer damage to their pools, driveways, roads, and foundations that can be costly … Continue reading How Common Are Slab Leaks? For Arizonans, It Doesn’t Look Good
What Should My Water Softener Hardness Be Set At?
Having a water softener in your home can be a great way to improve your water quality. But in order for a water softener to work properly, it’s important to set it to the right hardness level. In this blog, we’ll take a look at what should your water softener hardness should be set at and why it’s important to get it right. What Should My Water Softener Hardness Be Set At? The hardness of water is measured in grains per gallon (GPG), parts per million (PPM), or milligrams per liter (MG/L). The average hardness of the water in the United States is about 60 GPG, but the range can be from 0 to over 400 GPG. Water is considered “hard” when it has a high concentration of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. You can find your water’s hardness level by looking at the concentration levels: Anything less than 75 mg/L is considered soft; Anything between 76 and 150 mg/L indicates that the water is moderately hard; Anything between 151 and 300 mg/L indicates that the water is hard; And anything above 300 mg/L indicates that the water is very hard. A basic rule of thumb is that … Continue reading What Should My Water Softener Hardness Be Set At?