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Clogged Sink? Here’s How to Clean the Drain Trap

Clogged Sink? Here’s How to Clean the Drain Trap

Published By: Vince Vince

When you have a clogged sink, the problem is usually an easy fix. This article discusses how to clean your sink’s drain trap so that you can avoid damage to your plumbing.

Over the past few weeks, you have noticed that your bathroom sink has been slow to drain. Today, you woke up and went to the bathroom to get ready for work. Out of habit, the last thing you did before getting dressed was to brush your teeth.

You left the water running as you cleaned your pearly-whites, and by the time you spit for the final time, the sink was full of nasty toothpaste water. You knew it was only a matter of time until the stoppage was total.

You didn’t have time to deal with it or else you would have been late for work, so you left it as it was. When you got home that evening, it was still there.

Taunting you.

If only there were a way to easily clear your clogged sink!

What Is a Drain Trap?

Fortunately, unclogging a sink is often easier than it looks, and it all comes down to knowing how to clean your sink’s P-trap—a.k.a. the drain trap.

Take a look underneath your sink. Notice anything about the pipes leading into the wall? That’s right! That piece that curves down, then up is the drain trap. It’s designed to keep sewer gases from creeping into your home and to catch anything heavy that shouldn’t go into your plumbing (like a wedding ring).

But that design is also prone to clogs. In addition to valuable jewelry, your drain trap also catches debris like dirt, hair, food—you name it. Whatever you put down the sink has the potential to end up stuck in the trap.

Good thing you have a knowledgeable local plumber who is willing to share the secret to cleaning your drain trap!

4 Easy Steps to Clean Your Drain Trap and Clear Your Clogged Sink

If you are experiencing a clogged bathroom or kitchen sink, here are four simple steps you can take to clear the blockage.

  1. Clear Everything from Under Your Sink

The first step is emptying everything out from under your sink. Whether you store cleaning products, your garbage can, or other things under your sink, you need to remove everything so that you can begin work on your drain trap.

  1. Detach the Drain Trap

While some older sinks require a wrench to remove the P-trap, modern ones allow you to detach them by hand. Remove both ends of the trap and completely detach it so that you can clean it.

  1. Clean the Drain Trap

Now that the trap is detached, take a wire hanger or other flexible tool and push it through the trap. You may wish to place a cloth over the end of the hanger before pushing it through to thoroughly clean the trap.

  1. Put It All Back Together

After you have cleared the blockage, it’s time to put everything back together. When screwing the P-trap back in place, be sure not to over-tighten the attachments, as doing so could strip the threading on the pipe and nut.

Is Your Clogged Sink Being Stubborn?

Drain still clogged after cleaning your drain trap? Get in touch with us so we can send a professional to take a look.