When you have a well-functioning sewer system, it’s easy to forget about it. It’s so crucial to daily life that only when the sewer in your home breaks down do you notice that it’s even there. When that happens, sewer repair won’t be far behind.
A damaged sewer can be expensive to fix, but it’s critical to take care of it as soon as possible. Why? A faulty sewer system can lead to backed-up sewage, burst pipes, and a flooded home.
Of course, if you don’t know what signs to watch for, it might be too late. Here are four weird signs that you probably need a sewer repair.
A Healthy Lawn (in Certain Spots)
Practically every homeowner wants to have a yard full of lush grass, paying thousands of dollars for sod, lawn treatments, and landscaping services every year. But if your grass seems exceptionally full and thriving in certain areas, you might be spending thousands on something else.
Sewer repair.
Why? Because patches of grass that seem to be flourishing more than the rest of the lawn can be a sign of a leaking sewer pipe. Think about what goes through your sewer system. That’s right: sewage. If you want your lawn to grow, you couldn’t find a better fertilizer.
Strange Sounds
Every house has pipes that make noise, but not all sounds are the same. The sound of running water is normal, but only if you’ve got a faucet going or the toilet just flushed. If you hear running water but all the taps in your house are off, that’s a problem. You’ve probably got a leak.
Furthermore, if you hear any gurgling or bubbling coming from your pipes, that could indicate that you have a clog somewhere.
Funky Odors
Sewers are designed to keep the nasty smelling odors that they are supposed to take away out of the home. But that’s not always the case. If you smell something funky coming from any of your drains, that could be a sign of a crack in the sewer line or a bad seal. Gases from the sewer may sometimes leak into your home if you let the traps dry out, so before calling a plumber, try running some water down any open drains in your home.
Pools of Septic Water Inside and Outside the House
One of the biggest signs that you need sewer repair is also one of the most obvious. If you notice any water pooling in your yard or in your basement, you could have a problem that needs fixing fast. Check to see if you can find where the water is coming from, then call a plumber if you need help.
Not Sure If Your Home Needs Sewer Repair?
We are here to help you if you need it. Get in touch with us today so that we can send you an expert to fix what needs fixing.