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Smelly Shower Drain? This Could Be Why

smelly shower drain

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Got a smelly shower drain? Check out some of the reasons for the unpleasant odors here, as well as some helpful tips.

A hideous smell from the shower drain will deter you from feeling clean. Showering is an essential part of the daily routine of most people. Getting into the shower is an expectation that you will smell the scent of soap. There are times when problems with the shower drain, such as mildew or sewer odors can get in, and you cut your shower short.

There is nothing worse than smelling the odor of your shower drain rising up in the air since it can feel too embarrassing. The truth is, however, that drains often come with unpleasant odors.


It is often possible to clear up a smelly shower drain with a good clean of the trap and drain. Still, sometimes the smell can be a sign of something more serious that requires the help of a professional plumber. Depending on the cause, we can attribute the smelly shower to various reasons.

4 Possible Reasons for a Smelly Shower Drain

It is important to note the unpleasant smell you notice in the bathroom when a shower drain makes your nose wrinkle. This way, you can identify the possible source of the smell. Following are some possible reasons behind the smelly shower drain.

    Clogged Drains

It is important to clean your shower drain regularly. Several reasons may contribute to it becoming blocked, including hair that can accumulate in soap scum, debris, or the P-Trap.

A solid clog can result in unpleasant odors emanating from the shower as a result. Such clogs can easily be cleaned up using the right tools, chemical solutions, or a professional’s help.

How to Clear a Drain Clog

To clear out a drain clog, you’ll need to take off the face shield on your plunger to get a better grip before plunging it into the blockage. Common causes of smelly shower drain like this can be very difficult because it requires you to use one hand inside the dirty p-trap while using the other for the plunge – which is uncomfortable at best.

    Problem with the P-trap

P-trap problems are common issues. The P-trap may cause an unpleasant smell that appears in your bathroom after a shower if it smells like a sewer. There is a U-shaped pipe underneath your shower drain where the water passes.

If you can see it, you will be able to see how it works. It is called the P-trap. Its purpose is to prevent sewage gasses from returning up the pipe and into the bathroom by holding a small amount of water at all times.

How to Clean Shower P-Traps

When cleaning this section of pipe, check the trap for debris. A paper towel or old rag can help unclog its passage if it appears that something is blocking it.

To fill the P-trap completely with no air pockets, take care to remove all debris from inside the tub, then fill the tub with cold water. By flushing out other blockages, the bad smell can be eliminated.

    Biofilms build-up

Biofilm is another common cause of shower odor. It is possible to build up biofilm inside the shower drain and on the shower wall, resulting in musty, unpleasant odors. You are likely suffering from mold or a biofilm inside the shower drain if the drain smells like mildew.

Biofilm can have negative health effects. The bathtub drain and the rest of your shower need to be cleaned to avoid these dangers and odors. It is possible that your drain needs to be jetted or cleaned by a professional if it still smells mildew despite your best efforts. It is an inexpensive and simple fix.

How to fix it?

For a biofilm problem to be solved, you will need to use a special enzyme-based product that targets bacteria and germs. Additionally, you will also require a few other techniques.

In many cases, unclean maintenance of these areas in the shower drain is at the root of the problem, leading to build-up.

    Pipes with leaks

It may be that your shower drain still smells if the water is draining well and the pipes are not clogged with hair or biofilm. You will smell rotten eggs from your shower drain if there are leaks in your bathroom wall or under the shower, allowing sewer gasses to escape.


For sewer gasses to be contained, they need to come from the P-trap, and if they don’t, there is a leak somewhere in the drain line.


Usually, shower leaks result in rotten egg-like odors because sulfurous gasses are expelled through the drain system. Shower drain smells can be caused by corrosion on your pipes and by loose joints such as those below your toilet seat or on the taps on your sink.

How to Fix it?

Changing corroded joints in your drain system to tighten them and replacing sections of pipe that could be rusting are both things you can do to get rid of shower smells emanating from your drain system.

As daunting as this task may seem, it is absolutely necessary to maintain a safe interior living environment within the bathroom to maintain the quality of life there.

Final Verdict for Your Smelly Shower Drain

The smell of a smelly shower drain or, even worse, stench spread throughout your home due to leaks, and other causes aren’t desirable. To prevent unwanted odors and other health hazards, it is essential to identify and address problems at the earliest possible time.

A professional plumber can handle all of your plumbing issues in your home, inspecting and resolving any issues that might arise.