What Is Involved in Repiping a House? A Beginner’s Guide

What Is Involved in Repiping a House? A Beginner’s Guide

Sometimes a home’s plumbing has to be replaced. Wondering what is involved in repiping a house? This article explains. Unless your home is a cabin in the woods with no running water (or if you live—to quote the late, great Chris Farley—in a van down by the river), you are going to have to deal with plumbing issues at some point. For some, that means fixing a leaky pipe or two. For others, that means having their entire plumbing system replaced. Repiping a house normally involves 4 steps: Inspection. Estimate. Demolition. Plumbing. Reconstruction. To be clear, replacing your home’s plumbing is not a DIY job. You are going to need a professional, licensed plumber to handle this project. Are you thinking of repiping your home? Here’s what you need to know. How Do I Know If I Need to Repipe My Home? Before we get into the specifics of what is involved in repiping a home, you first need to determine whether your home requires it. Repiping is an expensive, time-consuming process — but here are a few signs that your home needs a new plumbing system. Lead Pipes Lead pipes are common in older houses from the 1920s and … Continue reading What Is Involved in Repiping a House? A Beginner’s Guide

hydro jetting

Is Hydro-Jetting Safe for Pipes? 3 Mishaps to Avoid

Is hydro-jetting safe for pipes? Hydro-jetting is an excellent solution for serious plumbing blockages. But is it always safe for your pipes? We break it down for you here. Sometimes plungers and drain snakes just don’t cut it for tough drain clogs. When you need to break through a blockage so your water can drain properly, it may be necessary to try a high-pressure tool—instead of poking a hole through the debris that is clogging your drain, a hydro jet will completely clear the pipe. The question that many homeowners have, however, is whether this method of drain cleaning is safe for their pipes. In most cases, hydro-jetting is absolutely safe and will not damage your pipes, but a few exceptions exist to prove the rule. Here are a few scenarios to consider. 3 Scenarios When You Should Avoid Hydro-Jetting Your plumbing is damaged. If your plumbing is damaged, hydro-jetting can make your problems exponentially worse. This method of drain and pipe cleaning uses a high-pressure stream of water to cut through, break apart, and push debris and sludge out of your home’s plumbing system. When your pipes have weak points—from rust or corrosion, for example—the pressure can be great … Continue reading Is Hydro-Jetting Safe for Pipes? 3 Mishaps to Avoid

how often should a wax ring be replaced

How Often Should a Wax Ring Be Replaced on Your Toilet?

How often should a wax ring be replaced on a toilet? It’s a simple question, but don’t be fooled. Things can get complicated. Here’s what to know. Every toilet in your home has a wax ring connecting it to your plumbing, which creates a waterproof seal to keep what goes down to the sewer from seeping out the sides. This piece of equipment usually lasts as long as the toilet, about 30 years. However, if it dries out and starts to crumble, you could be at risk for a messy leak. At that point, it’s time to install a new one. Installing a New Wax Ring You should be able to find a replacement at any hardware store. Before beginning, you will need to have the proper tools nearby: A putty knife A bucket and towels in case of a leak A wet/dry vacuum A wrench that fits the hardware of your toilet Here’s how to replace your toilet’s wax ring. Disconnect the water supply. To disconnect the water supply to your toilet, turn the water lines leading from the wall to your toilet to the “off” position. After doing that, flush the toilet to get as much water out … Continue reading How Often Should a Wax Ring Be Replaced on Your Toilet?

how to get rid of biofilm in pipes

Health Hazard: How to Get Rid of Biofilm in Pipes

Curious about how to get rid of biofilm in pipes at home? This guide will walk you through the process. Have you seen it? That slimy goo around your shower drain might seem like nothing more than a gross annoyance. After all, sometimes drains and plumbing fixtures just get…nasty. Right? If you want to know the truth, though, if you let that slippery substance go for too long, it could end up being hazardous to your health. Why? That stuff is known as biofilm, and it’s not as innocuous as you might think. How to get rid of biofilm in pipes: What is biofilm? Biofilm is a collection of organic substances, composed of many types of bacteria and their waste products. Aside from posing a risk of clogging your pipes if you neglect the problem too long, biofilm is also known to carry the pathogens responsible for ear infections, Legionnaire’s disease, salmonella, E. coli, and so many more awful ailments. The best way to avoid getting sick from biofilm is to prevent it from happening in the first place. How to Prevent Biofilm Biofilm forms naturally anywhere there is stagnant moisture. While there are ways to remove it once it … Continue reading Health Hazard: How to Get Rid of Biofilm in Pipes

A man and woman sit in front of a Christmas tree celebrating plumbing tips

Don’t Flush Your Mistletoe…And Other Holiday Plumbing Tips

These plumbing tips could help you avoid a disaster this holiday season. Need an expert in a pinch? Contact Custom Plumbing of Arizona today! It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so why would you want to spend any of it dealing with plumbing issues? Unfortunately, with all the holidays throw at us, many people experience plumbing emergencies during the festive season. Want to reduce your chances of a holiday leak emergency this year? Here are some plumbing tips you should know. Give Those Pipes a Rest With COVID-19, this year you might not have extra guests in your home. If you do, it’s critical to take it easy on your home’s plumbing as much as possible. Aside from making sure that shower drains are free of excess hair and debris, you should inform your guests to wait a little between showers. Fifteen minutes is not too long to wait to avoid a clogged drain. Give those drains some time to do what they do best, and you’ll be golden. Know What You Can and Cannot Flush If you have family over for the holidays, make sure that everyone knows what they can and cannot flush down the toilet. … Continue reading Don’t Flush Your Mistletoe…And Other Holiday Plumbing Tips