Curious about how to get rid of biofilm in pipes at home? This guide will walk you through the process.
Have you seen it? That slimy goo around your shower drain might seem like nothing more than a gross annoyance. After all, sometimes drains and plumbing fixtures just get…nasty. Right?
If you want to know the truth, though, if you let that slippery substance go for too long, it could end up being hazardous to your health. Why? That stuff is known as biofilm, and it’s not as innocuous as you might think.
How to get rid of biofilm in pipes: What is biofilm?
Biofilm is a collection of organic substances, composed of many types of bacteria and their waste products. Aside from posing a risk of clogging your pipes if you neglect the problem too long, biofilm is also known to carry the pathogens responsible for ear infections, Legionnaire’s disease, salmonella, E. coli, and so many more awful ailments.
The best way to avoid getting sick from biofilm is to prevent it from happening in the first place.
How to Prevent Biofilm
Biofilm forms naturally anywhere there is stagnant moisture. While there are ways to remove it once it has formed, it is often easier to prevent it from forming in the first place. To prevent it from invading your plumbing fixtures and pipes, keep the areas around your drains and near your fixtures dry. After using them, be sure to dry them off to keep the nasty stuff from building up.
If you already have a biofilm problem, not to worry! There are ways to remove it.
How to Get Rid of Biofilm in Pipes
Remove Hair and Debris Blockages
Biofilm loves to form in hard-to-reach places. Perhaps one of the most secretive places for organic buildup to find a home is hair and debris inside your drains. If you have ever pulled a half-foot of hair from your shower drain, you know exactly what it looks like. Once you remove these blockages, however, much of the biofilm comes with it.
Clean the Areas Near Your Drains
Biofilm also loves to congregate on surfaces that surround your sinks and drains. The reason for this? These spaces are often left wet and receive their fair share of bacteria from things like teeth brushing and shower run-off. If you want to stop biofilm from forming inside your pipes and causing a blockage, stop it at its source by cleaning the spaces that lead to your drains.
Clean after Cooking
The kitchen sink is especially prone to biofilm buildup because of the food waste that finds its way there. If you want to learn how to get rid of biofilm in pipes, the first thing you need to know is to stop leaving your dishes for later. Just do the dishes right after you finish eating, and your problem could go away.
Want to learn how to get rid of biofilm in pipes? Custom Plumbing of Arizona is here to help.
Now that you understand the danger that biofilm can pose to your health, it’s time to start cleaning. Need help with a troublesome drain? At Custom Plumbing, we specialize in drain cleaning and other plumbing services. Get in touch with us today to schedule a home visit.