Why is my floor warm in one spot? Have you ever experienced that puzzling sensation of stepping onto your floor only to find one spot oddly warm? It’s not your imagination playing tricks on you—a genuine issue could be causing this phenomenon.

In homes with concrete slab foundations, a slab leak is one common culprit for a warm spot on the floor. But how exactly does a slab leak cause warm spots, and how can you tell if that’s the cause?

Why Is My Floor Warm in One Spot? A Few Possible Causes

Before we delve into slab leaks, let’s briefly explore another potential reason for a warm spot on your floor.

  • Your Hot Water Line Is Close to the Floor

One possibility is that your hot water line is close to the floor surface. If this line is placed too close to the floor surface during installation or isn’t adequately insulated, it can lead to heat transfer, resulting in a warm patch on your floor. However, if you’ve ruled out this scenario, it’s time to consider the possibility of a slab leak. Water lines are not always correctly installed, which can lead to issues such as heat transfer to the floor above, causing it to feel warm in certain spots.

  • You Have a Slab Leak

A slab leak occurs when there’s a break or breach in one of the water lines running beneath the concrete slab foundation of your home. If you’re not sure if a slab leak is the cause of a warm spot on your floor, here are some signs that could point to one:

  • A sudden, unexpected spike in your water bill.
  • A drop in water pressure.
  • The warm spot wasn’t there before.

While these signs may indicate a slab leak, it’s important to note that other explanations could also be at play. Therefore, it’s essential to investigate further to confirm the source of the issue, or better yet, contact a qualified plumber to assess the situation. Here’s what you can do to narrow down the possibility of a slab leak.

How to Determine If You Have a Slab Leak

If you suspect a slab leak, there are several steps you can take to confirm your suspicions.

  • Look for Signs of Water Inside and Outside Your Home

Inspect your home’s interior and exterior for signs of water leakage. This could include pooling water outside, damp spots on your flooring, or a warped appearance in hardwood, linoleum, or laminate floors—any unexplained moisture or damage warrants further investigation.

  • Turn Off All Your Taps and Check Your Meter

To determine if there’s a leak, turn off all water sources in your home and check your water meter. If the meter continues registering water usage despite everything being turned off, it could indicate a slab leak.

  • Call a Plumber

Contacting a qualified plumber is crucial if you suspect a slab leak based on the signs and tests above. Slab leaks are not issues you can ignore, as they can worsen over time, leading to more significant damage and higher repair costs.

Choose a plumbing professional with experience in diagnosing and repairing slab leaks. At Custom Plumbing of Arizona, we specialize in pinpointing even the most minor leaks and providing efficient repairs to minimize long-term damage and expenses.

Slab Leaks Can’t Wait: Call Custom Plumbing of Arizona Now

If you’re in the Scottsdale, Phoenix, Glendale, Buckeye, Cave Creek, Chandler, Avondale, Gilbert, Peoria, Surprise, El Mirage, Apache Junction, Mesa, Tempe, or Goodyear areas, don’t hesitate to contact Custom Plumbing of Arizona for expert assistance. Call us at 602-866-2665 for a free inspection and reliable service to address your slab leak concerns.

Don’t let a warm spot on your floor go unchecked—take action today to safeguard your home and prevent further damage. Contact Custom Plumbing of Arizona for prompt and professional assistance with your slab leak issues.

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Ah, home sweet home. The place where you can kick off your shoes, relax, and forget about the outside world. But what happens if you ignore a slab leak? Well, let’s just say it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Picture this: a tiny drip somewhere beneath your concrete foundation that you choose to ignore, thinking it’s just a minor nuisance. But that unassuming little leak can quickly transform into a costly disaster, wreaking havoc on your beloved abode. 


In this blog, we will delve into the five expensive outcomes that can arise from neglecting a slab leak, so you can avoid the headache and financial woes that come with turning a blind eye to plumbing problems.

What Happens If You Ignore A Slab Leak?

A slab leak is a term used to describe a leak in the water pipes that are located beneath the concrete slab foundation of your home. These leaks can occur for a number of reasons, such as damage to the pipes, soil shifting, or even poor installation. Regardless of the cause, ignoring a slab leak can lead to some serious damage.

Slab Leak Damage: 5 Ways a Slab Leak Can Ruin Your Home

Foundation Damage

Your home’s foundation is like the rock-solid backbone that holds everything together. Ignoring a slab leak can spell disaster for this crucial structure. As water seeps into the ground beneath your foundation, it causes the soil to shift and erode, compromising the stability of your home. Over time, this can lead to cracks in the foundation, uneven floors, and even structural collapse. Repairing foundation damage is a daunting and expensive task, so it’s essential to address slab leaks promptly to avoid such costly consequences.

Yard and Landscaping Damage

A beautiful yard can be the pride and joy of any homeowner, but a slab leak can turn that oasis into a soggy mess. As water continues to leak from the foundation, it saturates the soil, leading to the death of your carefully nurtured plants and the deterioration of your beloved landscaping. Moreover, the excess moisture can cause soil erosion, sinkholes, and the upheaval of pathways or driveways. Repairing these damages can take a significant toll on your wallet and your green thumb.

Foul Odors

If you’ve ever smelled a musty odor in a damp basement, you know how unpleasant it can be. A slab leak provides the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew, releasing foul odors permeating your home. Not only is this smell nauseating, but it can also pose health risks to you and your family. Mold spores can trigger allergies and respiratory problems, making your living environment uncomfortable and potentially dangerous. In addition, ignoring a slab leak allows these unwelcome guests to multiply and thrive, leading to costly mold remediation expenses down the line.

Flooring Damage

The floors in your home are a significant investment, and they’re meant to be enjoyed, not ruined by a hidden leak. When water seeps through your slab, it can wreak havoc on various types of flooring. Hardwood floors can warp and become discolored, while carpets can become waterlogged and develop mold. Even tile and vinyl flooring aren’t immune to the damaging effects of prolonged exposure to moisture. Replacing damaged flooring is costly and can significantly dent your bank account.

Mold Growth

Mold is a persistent enemy that thrives in moist environments. If a slab leak goes unaddressed, it creates the perfect conditions for mold growth. Mold can spread quickly, invading not only your floors but also your walls, ceilings, and even your furniture. Removing mold and restoring your home’s air quality can be an expensive and time-consuming process. It’s far better to tackle the source of the problem head-on rather than deal with the consequences of mold infestation.

What Should I Do If I Think I Have A Slab Leak?

What happens if you ignore a slab leak? Don’t wait to find out the hard way. Don’t let your home turn into a soggy submarine! 

Our expert emergency plumbers are ready to dive in and rescue you from the depths of plumbing despair. Contact us by dialing 602-866-2665. We offer round-the-clock emergency services because we know that slab leaks don’t adhere to regular office hours.

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If you’re a homeowner in Arizona, it’s important to be aware of the potential for slab leaks. These leaks can cause significant damage to your home’s foundation, increase your water bill, and disrupt your daily life.

In this blog, we’ll explore just how common slab leaks are in Arizona, what causes them, and how to recognize the warning signs. We’ll also discuss the importance of getting professional help when it comes to leak detection and repair, and why Custom Plumbing of Arizona is the right choice for all your plumbing needs. 

How Common Are Slab Leaks?

Slab leaks are more common in certain regions of the country, and Arizona is one of them. The hot, dry climate in Arizona can cause the soil beneath the foundation of a house to shift and move, leading to cracks in the slab. These cracks can allow water to seep through and cause a leak.

The state’s soil, which has a high clay content, is a major challenge for houses. This causes the ground to expand when it becomes wet and then shrink when the moisture evaporates. As a result, houses suffer damage to their pools, driveways, roads, and foundations that can be costly to repair.

According to The Arizona Geological Survey, clay-containing soil can expand up to a thousand percent when water is added. As such, structures may be damaged if the soil expands by as little as five percent. This is because soils typically have other minerals mixed in with the clay, which reduces expansion. However, soils that are high in silt quickly lose their structure and experience what is known as hydrocompaction when wet. This can lead to cracks in foundations.

Are Arizona Homes Built on Slabs?

In Arizona, many new houses are built on slabs that are designed to resist the effects of soil expansion and contraction. To do this, builders often install steel cables in the slab before pouring the concrete and then apply tension to the cables once the concrete has been set. This helps to prevent cracks from forming in the slab due to soil movement. 

However, not all homes have this type of reinforced foundation, and even homes with reinforced foundations can still be susceptible to damage. That’s why it’s important to be aware of potential warning signs of foundation damage, such as stair-step cracks in the foundation walls, leaning chimneys, and cracks and gaps around doors, windows, and drywall. Arizona Foundation Solutions recommends keeping an eye out for these signs and seeking professional help if you notice any of them.

What Causes Slab Leaks?

There are several factors that can contribute to the likelihood of leaks in a slab. As mentioned, the climate and type of pipes used can play a role. In addition, other factors that can exacerbate the problem include:

  • Poor installation of pipes
  • Tree roots growing into the pipes
  • Wear and tear on the pipes over time
  • Changes in the water pressure in the pipes
  • Home is old
  • The foundation was built incorrectly

Know the Slab Leak Warning Signs

It’s important to be aware of the warning signs of a slab leak so you can address the issue as soon as possible. Some common signs include:

  • A sudden increase in your water bill
  • The sound of running water when all faucets are turned off
  • Wet or damp spots on the floor or foundation of the house
  • Cracks in the walls or foundation of the house
  • A change in the water pressure in your faucets or shower

If you notice any of these warning signs, it’s important to call a professional to assess the issue and determine if you have a slab leak, and assess the repair cost.

Get the Leak Detection Help You Need with Custom Plumbing of Arizona

Now that you have an idea on how common are slab leaks in Arizona, if you suspect you have one, it’s important to get the leak detection help you need as soon as possible. 

At Custom Plumbing of Arizona, we have the tools and expertise to quickly and accurately locate and repair slab leaks. Our team of experienced plumbers will work with you to minimize the disruption to your daily life and get your plumbing back to normal as soon as possible.  Contact us at 602-866-2665  to learn more.

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How much will slab leak repair cost you? To answer this critical question, we need to lay out a few variables that contribute to costs. Here’s what to know.

Deteriorating pipes underneath your home’s slab foundation can cause serious destruction if you don’t repair them quickly. Leaky pipes in your home can be expensive—not only do they raise your monthly water bill, but they can also cause permanent damage. When the leak is located below a concrete slab, your foundation could be at risk of failing.

The question that most homeowners ask when they hear they have this problem is, “how much will slab leak repair cost me?” According to HomeAdvisor, it can be quite expensive:

  • Detecting a leak beneath a slab can cost $150 to $600.
  • The average cost to repair a slab leak is $2,280.
  • Repairing your slab foundation after fixing the leak often costs over $2,000.

As these figures demonstrate, a few factors can contribute to overall costs. This article provides a general outline of what to expect.

What Factors into Concrete Slab Repair Cost?

Concrete slab leak repair cost can be expensive, in part because of the specialist work and labor involved. But there are a variety of factors that you can use to determine what price you’ll get quoted, which will make it easier for you to plan accordingly! In this section, we break down the different factors that contribute to the price of a slab leak repair so that you’re better prepared.


Slab Leak Reroute

Rerouting your plumbing is an option when you want to avoid extensive demolition costs. A plumber will find a new route through your home to save your floors from destruction and repair. Concrete slab leak repair cost for a reroute job will depend on the size of the affected area but can range from $300 to $1500 to complete.


Under-Slab Repair

An under-slab leak is one of the most common plumbing leaks. It may be caused by a variety of reasons, including heavy rain, excessive runoff, and a broken pipe. In many cases, the leak can be found at the joint connecting two pieces of piping. Under-slab repair requires the plumber to demolish a portion of the concrete slab to access the leak. Depending on the size of the job, this can cost anywhere from $500 to $4000.


Water Main Repair

Your home’s water main line is what allows you to have water in your home. If the water main is damaged, this can add to the cost of repairs as well. Water main repairs can cost between $500 and $3000, depending on the extent of the damage and the amount of piping that needs to be replaced.


Burst Pipe

Burst pipes are often the cause of slab leaks. These pipes have cracks or seams that allow water to leak out inside a building, causing structural damage and health hazards. Burst pipes usually break because of wear and tear or because they were installed too close to a heat source, like an oven or furnace. Depending on how accessible the broken potion of the pipe is, this can cost between $400 and $850.


New Concrete Slab

One of the main factors into the cost of a slab leak repair is the type of slab. If there is an older concrete slab, it will likely cost more to repair than if it was a newer concrete slab. The material used for the new concrete will also affect how much it costs to fix.

If damage is too extensive, the entire slab may need to be replaced. Because this is a big job, it costs a lot to complete. The total cost depends on the size of the slab and the thickness of the slab. These jobs range between $3600 and $7200 to finish.

5 Slab Leak Signs to Know

Finding a slab leak on your home is difficult, but there are warning signs that will point you in the right direction. Learning what these warning signs are and what to do if you notice them are important steps in securing your home against water damage and other costly repairs.

Do you know these slab leak signs?

Higher Water Bills

Is your water bill higher than normal? If there are no other indications of increased water use, such as additional guests in your home, then you might have a slab leak. Slab leaks allow your water to run constantly, which will drive up water usage in your home.

Poor Water Pressure

When the water pressure in your home starts to decrease without any obvious explanation, you could be looking at one of the top slab leak signs. If your plumbing typically has great water pressure, you should consider whether you need to have a professional diagnose the problem. At the very least, you will get peace of mind.

Damaged Flooring

In most cases, slab leaks happen in the hot water pipes. You might notice unusual warm spots on your floor when there is a leaking pipe due to uneven heating occurring from the top down. Additionally, the water can wreak havoc on carpeting and other household surfaces if fit seeps up through a crack in the slab.

The Sound of Running Water

You may hear a persistent sound in your plumbing despite having all your faucets turned off. To test whether you water is leaking under the slab, turn off all the water in your house and listen for the sound of running water.

Unpleasant Smells

Your home might start to collect a funny smell if you have a slab leak – even though you clean it daily. If water is streaming at a steady rate out of your home pipes, your floors or walls might have mildew and mold growing behind their surface that is giving off a funky scent. To fix the problem, you will need to contact a professional plumber.


Detecting the Slab Leak

Finding a leak beneath a slab foundation is more difficult than locating a leak in your home. Because the pipes are buried under the foundation, a leak detection specialist will need to use special equipment to find the exact location of the leak to minimize the damage to your foundation.

If you don’t know where the leak is located, hiring an expert who has the experience and equipment to do the job efficiently can save you hundreds, maybe even thousands, in slab leak repair costs.

Repairing the Leaky Pipe

A broken pipe can cost anywhere from $150 to nearly $400 to repair. The price tag goes up quite a bit on average if the pipe in question is your main water line. It may cost as little as $150, though the average cost is about $840, and some repairs cost as high as $3,000 to complete.

Keep in mind that costs are relative to the extent of the damage to your pipes.

Foundation Repairs

The majority of your slab leak repair cost will most likely come from foundation repair. Fixing a slab leak requires cutting through your foundation to access the pipes, and depending on how much of the foundation needs to be removed, it can get expensive.

On average, pouring a new foundation costs between $3,600 and $7,200, though you should be aware that this is for an average-sized home. If your home is large, the average cost can be much more of a burden. You may also want to consider rerouting your plumbing to save on costs.

How much will slab leak repair cost you? Get a free estimate today.

Have your water bills been higher than usual? Have you noticed the sound of running water when your taps are turned off? You might have a slab leak. If you suspect your home has this surprisingly common problem, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Custom Plumbing of Arizona. We are slab leak experts you can trust.

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Slab leaks are among the most serious plumbing issues we deal with at Custom Plumbing. Are slab leaks dangerous, though? Here we explore why this common, expensive problem could actually put you in danger.

Perhaps you have noticed that your water bill has gone up. Maybe the basement has started to smell damp and moldy. Whatever sign makes you realize that you might have a slab leak under your foundation, it is critical that you fix it before it becomes more than a cause for concern for your wallet—you need to repair it because it could put your health and safety at risk.

Why Are Slab Leaks Dangerous?

Slab leaks can be dangerous for two primary reasons: respiratory reactions caused by mold infestation in the foundation, and structural damage to the foundation that results in unsafe living conditions.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these issues.

Health Concerns

Clean air is important to have in the home. You spend a lot of your time there, especially if you work from home, as so many continue to do during the pandemic. When you have a slab leak, dampness can penetrate your foundation, which can lead to mold growth if left untreated.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mold in the home can cause mild to severe respiratory problems. These symptoms can range from moderate allergic reactions—for instance, red eyes, stuffy nose, and itchy skin—to more serious reactions, such as intense asthma symptoms.

When exposure is limited, these reactions are manageable, but when you have to deal with them every day, they can become dangerous.

Structural Damage to Your Home

The foundation is perhaps the most important structural element in your home. When you have a ruptured pipe beneath your foundation, the soil often erodes or expands and contracts more than it would normally. These changes in the soil can cause the slab foundation beneath your home to sag, crack, and crumble, which can weaken the integrity of the entire structure.

Homes that were built around 30 years ago often have plumbing problems beneath the foundation because of the copper pipes that were commonly used in construction. These pipes often burst because copper is relatively soft compared to the materials used today. If your home was built in the 1980s and you notice any signs of a slab leak, it is time to call a plumber who specializes in slab leak detection and repair.

Don’t Let a Slab Leak Endanger Your Family or Home

Are slab leaks dangerous? You bet they are.

Are you worried that you have a slab leak that is causing damage to your home’s foundation? It’s time to stop waiting for things to get better on their own. At Custom Plumbing of Arizona, we have the knowledge and tools that you need to find and fix your slab leak problem. Get in touch with us today so that we can talk about your needs.

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