Custom Plumbing Blog

Is Water Heater Repair Worth It? 3 Factors to Consider

When facing the dilemma of water heater repair, it's crucial to consider various factors that can impact your decision. Your...
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Is Your Water Hard? It Could Cause These Problems

Water hardness is a sneaky culprit that often goes unnoticed, silently affecting the efficiency and longevity of your appliances and...
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How to Clear a Drain: 4 Ways the Pros Do It

When it comes to knowing how to clear a drain, we've all been there – the dreaded moment when water...
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Emergency Plumber Services: 5 Signs You Need Help Fast

When faced with sudden plumbing issues, knowing when to call for emergency plumber services can make all the difference. Plumbing...
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Copper vs. Pex Plumbing: How Do They Compare?

When it comes to plumbing materials, two popular options often come to mind: copper vs. PEX. Both copper and PEX...
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Cast Iron Pipe Repair: What to Know If Your Home Was Built Before 1975

In the world of plumbing, cast iron pipe repair has been a staple since long before the 1970s. While it...
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Professional Drain Cleaning Service: Is It Really Worth It?

When faced with a stubborn clog, many homeowners contemplate whether to tackle the problem themselves or hire a professional drain...
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How to Fix Slab Leak Without Jackhammering Your Foundation

Want to avoid your home resembling a construction zone? Need to fix a slab leak without jackhammering your foundation? We...
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What Happens If You Ignore a Slab Leak? 5 Expensive Outcomes

Ah, home sweet home. The place where you can kick off your shoes, relax, and forget about the outside world....
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Can a Broken Sewer Line Cause a Sinkhole on My Property?

As the old saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind." But what happens when something that's been out of...
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Are Flushable Wipes Really Flushable?

Are flushable wipes really flushable? This is a question that many of us have asked ourselves while standing in the...
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When Should I Call an Emergency Plumber?

As a homeowner, you take pride in keeping your home in tip-top shape. But no matter how hard you try,...
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3 Things You Should Know about Your Residential Boiler

Your home's boiler may not be the talk of the town, but it's undoubtedly one of the unsung heroes that...
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How Long Do Sump Pumps Last?

It's a dark, stormy night, and you're snuggled up on the couch watching your favorite show. Suddenly, you hear the...
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Do I Need a Sump Pump? 3 Reasons You Do

"Do I need a sump pump?" It's a question that might not have crossed your mind until it's too late. ...
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Can You Pour Olive Oil Down the Drain?

If you're someone who loves to cook with olive oil, you may be wondering what to do with the oil...
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Plumbing Inspection Near Me: What Is It and Why Should I Get One?

Searching for a “plumbing inspection near me”? Here’s the answer to “what is a plumbing inspection” and why you might...
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How To Find The Best Emergency Plumber In Arizona

Sometimes, plumbing issues can't wait. So you don't always have the luxury of setting up an appointment for a plumber...
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How Common Are Slab Leaks? For Arizonans, It Doesn’t Look Good

If you're a homeowner in Arizona, it's important to be aware of the potential for slab leaks. These leaks can...
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What Should My Water Softener Hardness Be Set At?

Having a water softener in your home can be a great way to improve your water quality. But in order...
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